Vocabs Part of the Body,Shapes
Every object in the world has a shape. And every human has a part of body. Today I will discuss the material about Shapes and Part of body. And we gonna learn shapes and parts of body, what we have in the world.*ceilehh sok english banget gue dah,tapi kosakata gue gak payah-payah banget kan ? Hmm, but, not all of shapes.*saya pikir anda berpendapat sama dengan saya juga kan ? So I will show you partly. And for the parts of body, I will show you the outside parts of body. Just like a face, hand, foot, and much more. The meaning is not included inside parts, like heart, kidney, liver, etc. Okay, daripada berlama-lama dengan bacotan gue ini langsung aja cekidottt guys :D
Definition of shapes is all the geometrical information that remains
when location, scale and rotational effects are filltered out from an
Example :
Part of The Body
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